Digital river microsoft windows 7 student offer
Digital river microsoft windows 7 student offer

digital river microsoft windows 7 student offer

You can buy a virtual copy of the OS which you can download directly to your computer for $30 or, for an additional $13, you can have a physical disc shipped to you.

Digital river microsoft windows 7 student offer 64 Bit#

You’ll be able to select between a 32 bit and 64 bit version of the software. If you’d rather get a copy of Windows 7 Professional, try ordering from this link bear in mind, the link will only work once you’ve submitted and confirmed your valid. Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade will be available for $119.99 to the general public come October 22, so this is a great way to save some money on Microsoft’s latest OS.

digital river microsoft windows 7 student offer

Microsoft set up a special Web site for this deal: The numbers stand for “Windows 7 for One,” with one meaning you! Here’s the direct link to confirm your eligibility and make your purchase! It appears you can download a final production copy of Windows 7 right now!

digital river microsoft windows 7 student offer

Here’s the interesting part- this deal is being run through Digital River, a company that sells downloadable software. You also won’t be charged until that time see the full terms of the purchase here. As an astute reader pointed out, you’ll be able to access your copy of Windows 7 on October 22nd- not immediately. edu email address can pre-order Windows 7 Home Premium or Professional for just $29.99 through January 3, 2010. Microsoft is cutting students a big break on Windows 7.

Digital river microsoft windows 7 student offer